"A unique perfume, the soft breath, a flower from a meadow, or a moldy cloth, mundane. Miracles can happen when wild morning glories do a melodious exchange. If perhaps we may capture, just a bit of the flowers laughter and retell it all to you, then the sky might turn from grey torrent tangles into a tranquil silk trouser of a seafarer, blue."
"These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
I keep thinking in a moment that
Time will take them away
But these feelings won't go away." Citizen Cope – Sideways
Okey här följer en liten del ur en artikel från musicindustry newswire:
You would think anyone engaged in creating something (like a book, for example) would be in favor of copyright and would therefore be against efforts to eradicate it. Yet in the author acknowledgements, they thank John Perry Barlow and Lawrence Lessig, two people who are dedicated to destroying copyright, the former apparently because of synapse damage from too much illegal drug use and the latter because of pocketing large checks from hardware and software firms seeking ways to steal music without being subject to punitive damages in copyright infringement cases.
Copyright. To anyone who is thinking of remaining neutral on the point of the value of copyright, please consider these three points: Kusek and Leonhard copyrighted their book; Lawrence Lessig copyrights his books and articles; and John Perry Barlow copyrighted his songs (he now chooses to give them away, which is his prerogative, but his largesse should not become mandatory for any other writers). Strange actions, indeed, from folks who would casually annihilate your right to control your own possessions.
Mitt svar på tal:
About the breakdown you had on Lawrence Lessig. First of, he doesnt want to destroy the copyright. He wants to change it, cause you know what? It isnt working the way it is today. And why is that? Maybe cause the whole internet is build upon copies? Second, he speaks for two different categories. Professional, that wants to copyright and earn money one their work, and Amateurs that doesnt want it copyrighted. We should be able to choose wether or not our work is going to be copyrighted. That way more culture like remixes and built-upon works can be leagal for more use and thats going to flourish and enrich our culture. As you probably have heard there is an organization, that I wont mention by name, that makes it able for a rights holder to have "some rights reserved" instead of "All rights reserved".
Man hoppa inte bara på Lessig på det viset, han är min homie! :)